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Shashi Kumar

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How I Really Built a Successful Blog in 8 Months ?


Blog Strategist | Posted on

It has been estimated that a large percentage of bloggers fail within the first year of starting their blogs and that it takes an average of 1 year or more to really build a successful blog, I was able to achieve this in exactly 8 months and this post will be giving you some insights into how I did it.

I`d first like you to know that my blog isn`t the most successful blog online, in fact, there are tons of other blogs making and there are several other bloggers who command far more authority than I do but the reality is that Rome wasn`t built in a day and every great act has a small beginning. I have wanted to write this post for a while but I see there is no point in delaying it when there are several people who need tips to help them take their blog to the next level.

I would also like you to understand that there is no specific measure for success as a blogger and there is no specific result you must achieve before you can be referred to as a successful blogger; your success is defined by you and your readers. If your main aim as a blogger is to be able to work whenever you want while still being able to live the lifestyle of your desire or if your main aim is to be making a particular amount of money from your blog monthly, you can be called a successful blogger when you achieve this.

I Knew What I Wanted:

A lot of people start their blogs only to be changing its theme and domain name over and over again. You won`t be able to attract readers to your blog if you don`t know what you want.

I started this blog to help young entrepreneurs succeed online and I have never changed course since starting it. It will be a very terrible thing to do if you`re always changing the name and theme of your blog. Know what you want; know which audience you want and focus on making things work for you.

I Followed My Passion:

You would have read the above statement several times on so many blogs online but many people neglect it and decide to do what they want. The real key to blogging success is following your passion, because succeeding as a blogger really takes time and hard work and the only way you will be able to give this is by being passionate about what you`re blogging about.

I Was Myself:

I knew a lot of successful bloggers before I started blogging and it would have been easy for me to copy then because they were making serious money online but I didn`t I was myself and it paid off.

The blogosphere already has one Darren Rowse and it has no need for another so focus on being your true self and your success will come at the right time.

I Had Goals:

What do you want your blog to be in next 1 year? If your main goal for your blog is the vague I want to build a successful make money online blog then your blog is already doomed. There are already so many people who want to build a successful blog that help them make money online and it is always difficult for them it differentiate themselves from the crowd, your goals are what set you part so you should focus on developing strong goals that bring results.

I Planned and Followed Through With My Plan:

The beginning of failure of your blogging career is irregularity with your blogging plan. While there is nothing bad in modifying your plan when you see something better or when something can be added or improved it is really dangerous to have an inconsistent plan.

I Was Hardworking:

A lot of people will love to skip this but it is impossible to skip. Being successful in life is not about sitting down and expecting result to come, you have to be determined.

Sometimes success is “very difficult” to achieve because if it was, everybody will be achieving it. You have to sacrifice a lot to succeed as a blogger and trying to skip this sacrifice is the beginning of failure.

I Used Social Proof:

I never really noticed the importance of this until recently but it was my real turning point; I needed to get results to have social proof and I needed social proof to take me even further.

You really need to prove to people that you know what you`re saying and it no longer take words to prove yourself, but results.
