How is career growth and salary in HVAC for a mechanical engineer ? - letsdiskuss
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Kundan Singh

HVAC Engineer | Posted on | Education

How is career growth and salary in HVAC for a mechanical engineer ?


subject matter expert | Posted on

The HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system is essential in almost every building that you ever visit. Therefore, the demand for a good and skilled HVAC employee will never perish. So if you are planning to join the HVAC career as a mechanical engineer, then it is important for you to know that there will be ample competition in the field. So it is important that you implement and learn your skills very well so that you can prove yourself worth a project. The career growth as a mechanical engineer is fluid with a lot of opportunities. There will be many challenges in your career and you will be engaged in many interesting projects.
The salary of a mechanical engineer in HVAC depends on the experience and skill the individual posses. However, the average pay can be anywhere between Rs 121,205 - Rs 586,963. So you can see that your salary will speak up when you gather experience knowledge and a good amount of skills. There are many other benefits which mechanical engineers in the HVAC sector get depending on the company they are working for and the position they hold.

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