How is omega3 helpful in maintaining good skin? - letsdiskuss
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shruti arya

blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty

How is omega3 helpful in maintaining good skin?


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keep your skin hydrated. Omega-3s are a urgent piece of your skin's lipid (fat) substance and help support its boundary work, which, when working appropriately, acts like a seal that keeps dampness in and aggravations out.


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DHA is a type of omega3 fatty acids and is a major component for the structure of your skin. It is mainly responsible for the health of the cell membranes which makes up the large part of the skin. A healthy cell membrane leads to a softer, supple and glowing skin, DHA also helps in preventing wrinkles and fine lines.
Omega3 also protects your skin from harmful sun damage and redness, EPA helps in blocking the release of the substances that eat away the collagen in your skin.

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