How many eclipses are going to take place in 2019? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | astrology

How many eclipses are going to take place in 2019?


With the beginning of 2019, the movements of planets and stars have also begun to change. This year’s first Solar Eclipse was on 6th January.

Let’s start with explaining what an eclipse actually is, according to Astrology:
An eclipse is something which is associated the negative notions of spot or blot. Even a small spot can make a thing look bad in appearance. The same happens during an eclipse. In astrology, this spot or eclipse is bad, as it is believed to be inauspicious.
Now addressing your question, there are total 5 eclipses that we will witness this year: 3 Solar Eclipses and 2 Lunar Eclipses.
Solar Eclipses this year :
Letsdiskuss (Courtesy : )
• The first one took place on 6th January which was not seen in India.
• The second one will be on 2nd July and this one too will not be seen in India.
• The third and the last solar eclipse will be at the end of the year –on 26th December.
Lunar Eclipse this year :
(Courtesy : NPR )
Out of two lunar eclipses that are going to take place this year, only one will be seen in India.
• The first lunar eclipse of 2019 will be on 21st January. It is falling on the day of PaushPurnima, and its effect will be from 10: 11 am to 11: 12 am. It will not be seen in India.
• The second lunar eclipse will be on 16 July, and this will be seen in India. The timing of this eclipse is from 1:31 am to 4:29 am. It will be a partial lunar eclipse.

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