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Kuldeep Giri

Teacher | Posted on | Science-Technology

How mobile does effect human body?


Blogger | Posted on

The "radiation" is high frequency radio waves, similar to those used in a microwave oven. The oven generates up to 1000 watts, but the phone only produces around 2 watts. At present there is no real evidence that phone use is harmful, nor is there real evidence that it is not. A number of so-called experts and not very eminent scientists are calling for long term surveys, trials and so on to determine whether or not there is a risk. Of course doing these trials will keep them in work for a few more years.

The only current consensus is that it is sensible to limit phone exposure for young growing children.


Blogger | Posted on

Research into mobile phones and your health. There have been many studies throughout the world on RF radiation and its effects on the body. This biological effect doesn't automatically carry any health risks. The human body is equipped to deal with very wide variations in temperature without experiencing harm.


Writer | Posted on

Letsdiskuss Mobile phone is a gadget through which one can communicate easily whenever they want. Mobile phones actually work with the radio frequency. It has a set of radio frequencies which connects each other for father communications. Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electrical and magnetic energy which travels through space to set the base of communication.

These radio frequencies actually affect the human body by low radio frequency which may result in headaches and brain tumors, this effect is known as thermal effect.

In 2011 WHO revealed that radio frequency may result in glioma a type of brain cancer as RF is carcinogenic for humans.

 brain cancer - letsdiskuss

Radiation includes ionising which results in alteration of atoms in human body and can cause damaging of tissue as cancer. As well as rayson ionising radiation can lead to vibration of molecules which leads to increase in body temperature.

Other than this mobile phones and its radiation causes many severe effect on eyes and brains. Mobile phone has also increased road accidents which lead to death of many people.

Thus there are many hazardous effects on human body. Yes it is very convenient but harmful too so we should use it carefully.


Blogger | Posted on

I am will accept that you mean natural impacts. On the off chance that you are worried about electronic obstruction with other electrical gadgets, let me know by illuminating.

In light of your subtleties getting some information about "numerous types" of radiation, at that point, to be exhaustive, there are two fundamental sorts of radiation emitted by cell phones, radio frequencies (mobile phones, wifi) and noticeable light (screens and LEDs).

So far as we probably am aware the radio frequencies utilized by cell phones are not unsafe. Surely they do not have the vitality to pull electrons off molecules (to ionize) and subsequently to cause synthetic changes, which is the means by which different types of electromagnetic radiation (UV, X-beam, gamma) cause harm to organic frameworks.

In these terms the radiation from, state, a cell phone, is absolutely far less dangerous than the vitality from the light in your light or installation. That is likewise electromagnetic radiation, yet far more grounded and with more prominent "punch" as far as its vitality.


student | Posted on

I am will accept that you mean natural impacts. On the off chance that you are worried about electronic obstruction with other electrical gadgets, let me know by elucidating.

In light of your subtleties getting some information about "numerous kinds" of radiation, at that point, to be intensive, there are two principle sorts of radiation emitted by cell phones, radio frequencies (mobile phones, wifi) and unmistakable light (screens and LEDs).

So far as we probably am aware the radio frequencies utilized by cell phones are not hurtful. Unquestionably they come up short on the vitality to pull electrons off molecules (to ionize) and thus to cause substance changes, which is the way different types of electromagnetic radiation (UV, X-beam, gamma) cause harm to organic frameworks.