How much walk is must for a sound body? - letsdiskuss
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Kuldeep Giri

Teacher | Posted on | Health-beauty

How much walk is must for a sound body?


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walking for exercise, 30 minutes per session is ok for overall health


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Walking itself is a great thing in our daily life. A cool morning walk accompanied by our close to the heart music is heaven. Due to the busy schedule it is difficult to get time for walking. But if you are not going for walk, definitely you are missing something in life.

Scientists are always fascinated by round numbers. It is written everywhere that 10,000 steps per day is ideal for controlling blood pressure and hyper tension. More research were linked reduced cardio vascular risk with 10,000 steps of daily walking.

But new studies suggest that walking 15,000 steps are more daily will be ideal for better heart. It is better if human beings spent more time on walking and moving than sitting idle.

If we sitting without moving our legs, there is high accumulation of bad cholesterol, fat in blood and reduction of good cholesterol . Which in turn increase the cardio vascular risk.

But walking 15,000 steps in a day is not an easy task. it will take 3 to 4 hours. But no need for depressing. You can walk whatever steps is possible for you. The main point in take walk is to reduce your sedentary behavior of sitting for a prolonged period.

If possible go for a walk in the morning or evening. If not take a small scroll in the office after every 15 minutes or half an hour. Walking is important than the number of steps. So don't worry about numbers and keep on walking.