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Harshal Shah

seo manager | Posted on | Science-Technology

How to deal with Google Alogrithm penalties??


Blog Strategist | Posted on


Google works in mysterious ways...

This is one line that anyone with at least a little knowledge in SEO must have imagined. From its ranking factors to the regular updates, Google has redefined the scope of every SEO strategy that comes into our mind. But this redefining was not great for everyone as these updates brought Panda and Penguin into the limelight. And with them comes the haunting algorithmic penalties...

If you are one of the thousands of people whose website was penalized by Google algorithms, be it Panda or Penguin, you have every reason to worry. This, however, not the end of the world for you. Just follow these steps to handle Google's algorithm penalties:

1. Don't Panic: As I previously said, it is not the end of the world, so just stop panicking around and start focusing on the real issue.

2. Make sure it is not a manual penalty: Use Google Analytics tool to see if there are any manual penalties pending in your site.

3. Find which algorithm hit you: This may seem like a hard part, but it is easier than you may have imagined. Just go to the Analytics of your website and mark the phase from which you noticed change in your website. Then, run a tool called "Penguin Tool" which will help you determine which algorithm hit you.

4: Find the source: With exact time frame in mind, revert all the actions taken in that time frame to the point when everything was normal in the website.

5. Find the penalty: Now it’s time to find what really hit you. Is it the serious spam penalty or is it only the plagiarism. Find the root cause and destroy it.

6. Clean your site in and out: Run as many audits as you could to find everything wrong in your site. Clean your broken links, review backlinks, delete plagiarized materials, and reset the site to its best time.

7. Apply for Manual approval: Now that you are confident that your site doesn't contain anything that could get you penalized again, just submit yourself for the manual checkup and wait. Wait and magic will happen eventually.

Now after this life changing experience, please never do anything that may get you penalized again as second time or third time penalties are very tough to beat.