How to start a business when I don’t have any money, time, or skills? - letsdiskuss
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Aayushi Sharma

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How to start a business when I don’t have any money, time, or skills?


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Let me start from what should be the motto of almost all businesspersons and entrepreneurs –all it needs to start a business is not time, money or any particular skill set, but a great will.

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Will to get succeed, a will to get through the hard times, a will to stake whatever you have for your enterprise, and above all, a will to work hard. If you are ready to make these compromises, nothing can stop you from becoming a great businessperson.

Let’s see how you can do without the three things you think are very essential for any startup.

How to start a business with no time:

As they say, you are never prepared enough for anything in your life. So instead of thinking to have some more time each time you feel the urge of starting your dream project, you better get started with it at once. Procrastination will lead you nowhere.

Business is one thing for which no time is perfect and no time is imperfect. Also, you will see yourself always running out of time once started with your dream enterprise.

So you have only as much time as you can take out for dealing with your enterprise.

How to start a business with no money:

As I said, a will is more important than anything else for starting a business, and that’s the reason why everyone can’t be a businessperson. The one who is ready to take any risk for raising the capital needed is the one who is destined to be a successful businessperson.

So what you need is not the money-in-hand but the mind and courage of staking all to raise this money.

One thing that every businessperson should stand by is the more you invest the more you earn. So even when you have money you have no money. You just have to change your perspective.

How to start a business with no skill:

Those who wait for gaining proper skills to do something in life, often end up being a 9-5 employee in someone else’s company. Those who dream of creating their own companies, don’t wait to get theoretical knowledge for realizing their dreams.

There are many schools and universities out there who just feed you with knowledge in the name of skill. But what an enterprise needs as much as knowledge or skill in experience which no book can teach you.

Many of the successful businesspersons are college, even school dropouts. And there are many young entrepreneurs who are making it big in life.

Before skill, money, or time, you need to have an idea to start a business. And for an idea, you need to be more observant than before. Anyone could have thought that why only Pizza was delivered at home but it was only who thought and started delivering foodstuffs.

Similarly, many would have thought about not having to go till taxi stands for getting a taxi but it was only Uber who executed it, and the rest is history.


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