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Shubham Sharma

enterpreneur and mechanical engineer | Posted on | Education

I am confused What should I do after engineering?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

This question comes to every student's mind while completing their bachelor's degree. Gone are the days in 90s itself where the engineering students get placement orders in 7th semester itself with handsome salary and in a MNC.

Now bachelor's degree is of no value at all. it is time to get post graduate degree either in engineering itself or in business administration. If you are doing engineering in core subjects like civil, mechanical, chemical or EEC it is better to do your Masters in the respective subjects.

And if you are doing engineering in IT or computer science then, either you can go for MS or MTech. MBA will also be a good choice.

Those who want to do MTech in government institutes like IIT, NIIT, IISc in Indian, it is mandatory to write and get good score in GATE exam.

And those who want to pursue MS from foreign institutes, should get good marks in GRE and TOEFL. Doing MTech in India will cost you less and at the same time you will get scholarship from government.

And if you want to do MS from Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and other European countries, it will cost you 7 to 8 lakhs rupees per annum as there is no tuition fees charged in these countries.

If you are ready to spend 15 to 20 lakhs rupees per annum, you can go to US and get MS from well known universities.

And if you are good in writing entrance exams you can go for Civil services, Bank services and even to military services after Engineering.



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This is the most common question in every engineering student's mind. The thing is engineering is really a vast course where a student learns various subjects around their stream. Probably EC, IT students got easy placements but core streams like Mechanical, Electrical, civil students usually suffer to get a good placement. In that prospect, the student should find in what field they are interested in and then do an r&d to find out the future scope. And use different Job portals like, Linkedin, Indeed, etc. to find a relevant job.