We all feel the need to sit in a time machine, go to the past and undo something that we don’t want to be there in our life at least once in our lifetime.
The same has happened to me as well. It was when, under peer pressure, I ate non-veg once.
I was a teen back then and being as cool as all my friends used to be the sole motive of my life. So with them, I attended many parties, smoked, and even got drunk. Lying to my parents became a routine and I was not even guilty of it anymore.
Then one day my friends decided to test my limits and they knew it very well that the most difficult limit to cross was that of the religion. They gave me the lessons on Secularism and told about the double standards almost all religions practice. I was more than convinced by their arguments and decided to break through the shackles of religion as soon as possible.
It’s amazing how religion invades all the spheres of our lives. Food is one of them. So I decided to cross the boundaries of religion through food, and like any other radical Indian decided to eat chicken.
It was having eaten non-vegetarian three-four times that I decided to prepare it myself once, as I had a knack for cooking. My parents were going out for two days and I decided to push my boundaries a little more.
I went to the meat shop and it was there that I experienced my life’s most horrible 30 seconds.
The first sight before me were hens being taken out of a cage –screaming, crying, with blank eyes. When I went inside the shop, I saw one of them being cut in front of my eyes. When I turned my glance off, I again saw the birds in the cage and that urged me to throw up.
I rushed out of the shop and threw up, crying all this while. I never visited that shop again.
That day I understood that no religion or belief allows us to take the life of an innocent living being. I wish I had never gone there in the first place.