A lump in breast may be a sign of cancer. A lump in breast can mean you have cancer. But this should be kept in mind that all lumps in breast do not signify cancer.
A lump may be benign, which means non-cancerous lump, or it may be malignant meaning a cancerous lump.
Weather a lump is cancerous or not also depends on the duration of the lump in breast. If a lump has been there for a very long time, it may be non-cancerous, but if it is new, and has been there for only a few months, it may turn out to be cancerous.
Usually, cancerous lumps in breast are also associated with some other signs which can work as forewarning. The signs include:
• Change in the shape of breast.
• ***** retraction.
• Bloody discharge from the *****.
• Some lumps in the underarms.
So, if a lump is found in the breast, it should be investigated. A breast lump is recommended to undergo a needle test, which is called Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Unless this test is done, we cannot be sure if a lump in breast is cancerous or not. Hence, all lumps in breast should be investigated with FNAC to be sure if they are cancerous or non-cancerous.
Whenever, a lump is noticed, ultrasound of the breast and the X ray of the breast should also be done to be sure.