Is it true that Google is researching on AI to enable weapons for defense? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Science-Technology

Is it true that Google is researching on AI to enable weapons for defense?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

From stone age weapons to nuclear weapons, humans are ruthless when handling weapons in war.

Back in 1889 some of the major countries of the world signed a treaty to ban the use of aircraft for military purpose. They feared that the new technology will cause mass destruction. But nothing prevented them from using the aircraft during World War one.

Now the country heads of many developed nations want to include AI (Artificial Intelligence ) in their military. Technologies like drones, Fake videos with real photos, Robotic hackers can be a boon to any military in the world.

Last month Technology giant Google was criticised world over for its involvement with American military to develop military weapons with Artificial Intelligence. A contract was signed between Pentagon and Google. The contract allows US military to use the images shot by Google's drones for military purposes. The project is called Project Maven.

But this project stir a agitation in the search company and number of employees quit their jobs on Google's involvement in unethical and destructive business of war. 2 months back Google's employees signed a petition to cancel the company's work with the US military. But at that time Google said that the contract with Pentagon is specifically for non-offensive projects only.

After seeing the opposition within the company and all over the world, 10 days back Google's CEO Sundar Pichai told the media that Google is banning development of AI software that can be used for developing weapons. He also said that Google as a leader in Artificial Intelligence have the special responsibility of its use. But Google will continue to work with US military and government in the field of cyber security, recruitment and training, search and rescue.

We hope that Google will stick with its motto of "Don't be Evil".
