Yoga teachers or Yog gurus should know all the aasans or poses of yoga. But more than that, they should be aware of the importance and benefits of all the yoga poses. All yoga teachers should make sure that no student of his is doing any yoga pose wrongly and is not suffering in any way consequently.
There are thousands of poses in yoga and most of them are based on earthly creatures. Following are the yoga poses which should be known by almost all yoga teachers.
1. Ardh Chandra asana: In this pose, the body is curved in the shape of half moon.
2. Shirshaasana: In this pose, all the weight of the body is on our head.
3. Chakraasana: In this pose, the face is towards the sky and the body is lifted upwards with the support of hands and feet.
4. Mandukaasana: Manduk means frog and in this pose, your body is curved such that it is in the shape of a frog.
5. Mayuraasana: In this yoga pose, all the weight of the body is on our two hands.
6. Bakaasana: It is like Mayuraasan, but the legs in this are folded.
7. Bhujangaasana: Bhujang means snake. In this pose, the whole body is on the floor while the head is lifted upwards like the head of snake.
Translated from Hindi