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vicky sen

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Citrus Face Masks


Citrus Face Masks

It is known that citrus fruits in all their diversity have a mass of beneficial properties - they contain many vitamins, they enhance metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and their smell very beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of man.

But today we want to talk about the other side of the use of oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc. - their beneficial properties for maintaining the beauty of our skin. So, how do citrus fruits help your skin look young and healthy?

By citrus fruits, you can make fantastic face masks that will help to achieve rejuvenating, moisturizing, whitening effects. Note a few useful recipes of citrus masks for the face, neck and decollete.

Also read: 3 Amazing Benefits Of Ginger Body Scrub + Detox Bath

Grapefruit Face Mask

Proper for all skin types and is considered whitening


⇒ 1 tbsp yeast

⇒ 3 tbsp grapefruit juice

How to use:

⇒ 1 spoon of yeast and 3 tbsp. Spoons of grapefruit juice.

⇒ Mix them in a bowl or cup, slightly warm in a water bath.

The resulting warm Mask Is Applied To The Skin of the face, neck and décolleté area for about 15 minutes. Next, take a clean cotton pad soaked in green tea and remove the remnants of the mask. After all, rinse the skin with cold water.

Lemon-based face mask

Lemon Face Mask -

⇒ A Regular Mask for any skin type that helps get rid of age spots and restore a healthy and even complexion.


⇒ Handful of oatmeal

⇒ Half a lemon

⇒ 100g milk

How to use: 

⇒ You will need a handful of oatmeal, which must be crushed into flour, or already cooked oatmeal, half a lemon, milk.

⇒ Mix the oatmeal flour with lemon juice and add a little milk (something like yogurt should be made).

⇒ Apply the mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour, then cleanse The Face with cold water.

Mandarin mask on yogurt

This Mask For Oily Skin, allowing you to remove oily shine on the face and narrowing the pores. Refers to the class of refreshing masks.


⇒ 2 tbsp yogurt

⇒ 2 tbsp lemon

How to use:

⇒ Doing it at home is a pleasure, the smell is wonderful.

⇒ Prepare one mandarin, 2 tbsp: spoon yogurt, lemon. From the mandarin, remove the skin and white veins, leaving only the orange flesh.

Next, the pulp must be kneaded and add to its yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice. Mask hold for 20 minutes and wash off with water.

Mask Of Tangerine Peel

This mask is suitable for Dry And Normal Skin and applies to nourish.


⇒ 1 tbsp flour

⇒ 1 tbsp egg yolk

How to use:

1 mandarin, 1 tbsp. Spoon cream, 1 tbsp. Spoon flour, one egg yolk. From mandarin, you need to take only the peel and dry it thoroughly.

The resulting zest must be crushed to a flour state (use a Coffee Grinder for this). Next, take the flour and mix with sour cream, at the end add the yolk and tangerine zest. The composition covers the skin of the face, neck and decollete for no more than 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water.

Mask on lemon Juice

This mask will help you to become more young and beautiful. Use for dry and normal skin.


⇒ 1 lemon

⇒ 100g honey

How to use:

You will need 1 lemon and 100g. honey, squeeze the juice out of the lemon, mix everything thoroughly and use for the Face, Neck, And Decollete for 7-10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

In addition to the use of citrus masks themselves, we want to recommend you and essential oils - lemon, orange, grapefruit, which can be used for massages or add a few drops in cream for everyday use or bath.

"Citrus" baths not only benefit the skin, enriching it with useful substances, but at the same time soothe, relieve tension, remove from depression and have a positive effect on the Cardiovascular system.