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Good Ease

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Perfect Ways To Decorate Walls


Are you bored of watching ugly blank walls in your house?

It's nothing wrong with blank walls but be better to decorate them with some good artwork and creative ideas. There is so much to change with brackets, wall sculptures, fancy digital wall clocks, and special paint-effects & colour combinations. Let’s have a look at the best modifications on those abandoned walls.

Perfect Ways To Decorate Walls

Level-up your room's look with giant letters

It's a great idea to disguise your room's sofa side wall with your name’s initials. Ideas like overlapping and zigzagging of words would work to enhance the look for sure. You can choose any of your favourite walls in your house to put this giant-letter idea.

Use dip-painted wall sculpture

Give a wake-up call to your DIY soul and create something unique with the use of colours, wooden sticks, threads, beads, and balls. Anything comes creative to your mind with the use of waste objects and punchy colours can be used to hang on a wall.

Tie a net of sparkling tapes

Paint a light colour of your choice on a wall and use sparkling tapes to make a net on it. You can use tapes of different width to provide a special visual appeal. Now, you can hang decorative modern wall clocks to bring a perfect look or a bunch of some beautiful paintings in frames can also be hanged on it.

Decorate your wall with something that has an interesting pattern

Keep all pores of your mind open and think about a punched metal sheet spared in the lawn, garden fencing, unused guitar, Trumpet, French horn, anything you are not using can be used to showcase the beauty of your house.

Go dark with Wainscot Paneling

Choose a pattern of big square blocks, like a secret door in your house with Wainscot Paneling and then use some dark colour scheme on it to provide the instant eye-catchy look.

Hang your favourite goodies on wall

Anything kept unused in house, can upgrade the look of your house if it is hanged on the right place. It can be a musical instrument, table tennis rackets, or an old motorcycle tyre with rim, a tyre around the digital clock, old cassette player, or wooden baskets in different colours. You can order a fancy wall clock online to decorate your house.

Paper Creativity

Papers can be turned in to anything you want. Use papers to create sculptures of gods, animals, or anything, followed by colouring it beautifully to hang them in an attractive pattern on the wall.

There are infinite ways to define the beauty of the walls. It's time to break the barriers of traditional decoration and render an all-new look to your house.