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Shubham Sharma

enterpreneur and mechanical engineer | Posted on | Education

What are some study tips for btech student of computer science??


WordPress Developer | Posted on


B.Tech (or Bachelor in Technology) is a professional 4-year course that is to be done by any student to be called an engineer. As engineering is a vast and respectable profession in India, many students are going towards doing this every year.

Now coming to the CSE, the Computer Science Engineering is a branch of Engineering which deals with the use of Computer based technologies to create or improve new and better software-hardware relationship. It is a great stream for a B.Tech student as it keeps you up to date with with the modern trends and technologies.

Having done my B.Tech from CSE itself, here are my tips for other students from the same stream:

1. Be up to date with current technology trends such as new coding environments as well as new languages released.

2. Take part in online coding websites as well as coding competitions such as codevita from TCS.

3. Learn the basics of every subject thoroughly, especially algorithms, system design abd mathematics. These subject were most useful to me when i entered the industry.

4. Don't aim for higher package by cramming things, aim for extreme excelency in one domain.

5. Choose a designated language in first or second year and then follow it all the way to set command over it. It's better to choose new and better language.

As i previously said, i am a CSE graduate myself. And i have seen the syllabus too. It looks like indian syllabus for CSE has not been updated since the death of King Ashoka. So, don't rely too much of your college and take control in your hand to get a better future.