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ankit shukla

merchant navy | Posted on | others

What are the duties of Deck cadet?


Blogger | Posted on

It's pretty much everything that you get asked to do. It's a training phase. You need to learn a lot in very short time so it's gonna be super tough and you'll HAVE to get out of your comfort zone.


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

According to bureau of labour statistics, the demand for marine workers like deck cadet is expected to increase 9% till 2014.

If you have passed your 12th exam with Physics, Chemistry , Maths and got 60% and above marks, you can write the CET entrance exam for admission to Indian Maritime university. If you got good ranks in that exam you will get the admission in Indian maritime Universities.

There you will get the Diploma in Nautical Science, which has 2 semesters. During that period itself you will be selected by a shipping company, which will sponsor you and train you and in their ships. There your job assignment will be deck cadet. The duties of deck cadets are ,

• Preparing the ship for departure. It is the duty of the deck cadets to inspect all the safety and life saving equipments, supervise the cargo loading, and helping the passengers to onboard, and explain to them the route of the ship to be taken.

• Once at sea the deck cadets will assist in navigation of the ship. Captain or any other superior will be with them

• They have to keep the records of the vessels. It is their important task. Deck cadets on commercial ships must have knowledge on basic legalities of the business to perform their job well.
• Maintenance of the ship is also done by deck cadets.

• Checking of all the equipments in the ship including Sound checking, fuel checking.

• Port work and Cargo operations are also deck cadets' job.

Apart from these works, deck cadets should be physically fit in case of lifting parcels, standing for longer period, climbing ladders or to sleep in a small space. They should know basic safety protocols. They should have shipyard experience and knowledge on shipboard operations.

Once you have gained experience and knowledge you will have plenty of job opportunity with huge amount of salary. Letsdiskuss