What are the ways to filter the contaminants in drinking water? - letsdiskuss
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Junior engineer at uflex | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

What are the ways to filter the contaminants in drinking water?


CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Creativekart, Experienced writer, blogger | Posted on

If you are not satisfied with the quality of drinking water supplied to your home, you may try for the following processes to filer the contaminants:

Filtration: The simplest way to decontaminate drinking water. You can use mechanical filters to remove the suspended contaminants. The filter may be sand, activated carbon filters, oxidizing filters and neutralizing filters.

Disinfection: A process of killing harmful microbes by adding chlorine or iodine, passing UV light through it or giving ozone treatment or boiling water for at least 3 minutes.

Reverse Osmosis: Water is forced to pass through a thin membrane by which it can get rid of 90% of contaminants. This is used in conjunction with mechanical filters that remove larger and finer particles from water.

Distillation: The oldest water purification process. Water is vaporized leaving behind most of the contaminants. When the vapor is liquefied, you get pure water free from impurities. Distilled water does not taste good as the minerals are removed in the process which may not be good for health.


Image courtesy: www.learn.allergyandair.com