what do you know about monalis painting?why do you think it is unique?why did leonardo painted it? - letsdiskuss
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what do you know about monalis painting?why do you think it is unique?why did leonardo painted it?


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Mona Lisa, originally called Mia Donna Lisa or Madonna Lisa (My Lady Lisa), is an oil painting painted by famous Italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci from 1503 to 1506. Interestingly, Vinci didn’t considered the painting complete until 1516.

There are many interesting and even surprising facts to be known about Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famous and viewed painting. Mona Lisa, which was painted when Vinci was living in Florence, is even now, world’s most famous painting. It is currently exhibited in Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: www2.idehist.uu.se)

As the story of Mona Lisa goes, it the painting of Lisa Gherandini Giocondo who was 25 years old when Vinci painted the portrait. It was commissioned by Lady Lisa’s husband, Francesco del Giocondo, a Florentine cloth merchant but he never received the painting and Leonardo was never paid for it. Later in 1530, the king of France, Francis I, bought it from Vinci, and it was meant only to be viewed by the upper class.

What’s unique about this painting is that in the making of Mona Lisa Leonardo Da Vinci employed a revolutionary new technique discovered by himself. It is known as Sfumato, and means “the blending of light and shade”.

The painting is very rich in its aesthetic quality and its background, as historians believe, is a specific place in Tuscany, not just any random background invented by Vinci. One more interesting thing to note about the painting is the absence of eyebrows of Mona Lisa, which is due to the deterioration over time.