What is keyword and how important it is in SEO? - letsdiskuss
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What is keyword and how important it is in SEO?


education institute | Posted on

Keyword is phases that matches with user's search query and your website's content. If we select it wrongly, you will get wrong traffic on your websites. Ultimately your efforts in digital marketing won't convert in conversions.


Intern | Posted on

Keywords or Search Queries are the words or phrases that are searched on any search engine by Internet users.

Keyword is important part of SEO in ranking your website on SERPs which leads to traffic on your website.


Student | Posted on

A keyword is a phrase which is used to make Google understand your topic clearly and perhaps to generate traffic for your site. So, be precautious while selecting a keyword. Keep in mind on which of the phrase you want to rank your site. It plays a major role in SEO as it can increase the visibility of your site for example if many people are searching for the same keyword then accordingly it can boost up your website visibility.


@Blogger | Posted on

Keyword if defined generically, means a word which acts as the key to a cipher or code. It can also be defined as an idea or topic as to what your content is all about. It helps the understanding of the topic very easy. If you writing an article or a blog and you choose to pour down your thoughts using the simplest word and writing them in easy language, without using more of technical terms, it will turn into a keyword.

Keywords are very important as they act as a gap reducing agent between what people what to know about and what the writer is providing to them. It makes the relations between the readers and writers better. Keywords are about your audience, about your content and obviously, about your thoughts. It's all about how you understand things and how you choose to describe your thoughts on a piece of paper in front of your audiences. In order to gain more traffic, one should prefer to use singular keywords and they attract the attention of people at large. But do not think that just throwing up keywords on your page would work in an amazing way, no! You have to build a strong content in order to grab the attention of your readers.Letsdiskuss


blogger | Posted on

SEO keywords are the keyword and phrases in your web content that make it posible to the people to find your site via searcg engine.importance of keywords:

  1. keywords help your site to listed in the search results
  2. understanding keyword type


website design and developer | Posted on


your website will be ranked high in Letsdiskuss . To get top ranked in search engines you need professional SEO services with the highest calibration, and that’s where we come in with the best SEO company.


astrologer | Posted on

Thanks for the information. This is very useful for me.


@student | Posted on

Keywords are "search terms" or "words" that are put on search engines by users to search for specific needs. For example. If I want to search about mobiles then my keywords will be - Best Mobile Phone, Buy Mobile Phone. It is important for search engines to understand your queries, and can provide you with results (web pages) according to your needs.


| Posted on


Keyword research is a fundamental SEO practice of identifying popular words and phrases people enter into search engines. It helps marketers understand the language their target audience uses when searching for their products or services. The insights gained from keyword research influence content strategy, guide marketing tactics, and improve website visibility on search engine result pages. By effectively using the right keywords, businesses can attract quality traffic, compete with other brands, and ultimately, increase conversions. Hence, keyword research is a critical first step in any successful SEO strategy.