Tension members include single as well as double angles, single channels as well as similar section are used frequently for truss elements & bracing. These members will have normal eccentric connections. These members are often permitted by certain designing specifications to avoid the eccentricity in member designing. Three load tests are performed for short tension specimens to scrutinize the influence of different connection eccentricity along with length on the loading capacity of the members. Rupture in load capacity for the net section was noticed to be reduced with moderate connections eccentricity as well as a net section efficiency factor is also developed & proposed as a replacement for the current lag factors in computing the effective net area of a tension member. Net section or net area is calculated as AISC 360-10 section specification. When net section rupture of the machines fail, it is necessary to follow some safeguarding steps such as regular maintenance of the machine structure as well as regular servicing of the same.