What is the highest score ever recorded in a baseball game? - letsdiskuss
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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | sports

What is the highest score ever recorded in a baseball game?


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There changed into a game in Ohio in 2013 where a group scored 65 runs in only 3 innings. The different group had no runs. But that became excessive faculty.

In the MLB, the file for most runs scored by way of a group in a single game is 36, set by way of the Chicago Colts (now the Chicago Cubs) in opposition to the Louisville Colonels (which joined the National League in 1892) on June 29, 1897.

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In the modern-day records of the game, a document of 29 has been executed on two activities: The first become on June 8, 1950, by the Boston Red Sox in opposition to the St. Louis Browns (now the Baltimore Orioles). The 2d become on April 23, 1955, via the Chicago White Sox in opposition to the Kansas City Athletics (now the Oakland Athletics). The record for maximum runs scored with the aid of a crew in a single inning is 18, set by the Chicago White Stockings (now the Cubs) against the Detroit Wolverines on September 6, 1883. The present day-day file is 17, finished through the Boston Red Sox in opposition to the Detroit Tigers on June 18, 1953.

On August 25, 1922, the very best scoring sport in essential league records passed off: the Chicago Cubs defeated the Philadelphia Phillies 26–23, a total of forty nine runs.


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The highest score in a professional baseball game in the Major Leagues was set on August 25, 1922, when the Chicago Cubs beat the Philadelphia Phillies 26-23 in a game that featured a total of 49 runs. However, it's worth noting that there is technically no limit to how high a baseball score can be, as games could in theory go on indefinitely, with both teams continuing to score runs. In practice, though, the vast majority of games are much lower-scoring affairs, and it's extremely rare for a team to score more than a dozen runs in a game



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The highest score ever recorded in a Major League Baseball (MLB) game is 49 runs, which occurred on August 25, 1922, in a game between the Chicago Cubs and the Philadelphia Phillies. The Cubs won the game 26-23 in a game that featured a total of 50 hits, 11 errors, and 16 walks.