What is the most tricky question asked in IAS? - letsdiskuss
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ashutosh singh

teacher | Posted on | Education

What is the most tricky question asked in IAS?


teacher | Posted on

IAS represents Indian Administrative Service. It is the generalist unit of Indian common administrations. Enrollments to IAS are done through a 3 level public level legitimacy based educational assessment directed by UPSC (Union Public Service Commsion). UPSC is the focal recruitting organization of India.

There is no selective meeting for IAS. The meeting under UPSC common administrations for 26 units of common administrations is usually known as IAS meet. The IAS meet is directed by a board of 5 prominent people from different fields and is going by UPSC part. The quantity of UPSC boards is roughly equivalent to the quantity of individuals in the commission.

There is an overall insight in UPSC prep circles that last inquiry posed by the administrator of board is regularly the most significant and most interesting inquiry.

I went for a common administrations meet in 2016. I had Smt. Alka Sirohi as the board seat individual. She was purportedly notorious for posing interesting inquiries and furthermore for granting outrageous imprints (excessively high or excessively low). She was additionally known for requesting an interesting riddle toward the end from the meeting.
