What is the significance of life ? - letsdiskuss
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Kanika Malhotra

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What is the significance of life ?


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LetsdiskussDeath is inevitable but it seemingly is closer to them who never learned how to live.

We live to make memories and for smiles, laughter and cheers. To reminisce the days when we were fresh florescence drenched in the first rain, revisiting the petrichor. We live to realize, to feel, to breath and to taste the bouquet of lilies playing hide and seek, carefully embraced on small twigs. We live to simply live and die yet again for humanity... The humanity that fuels our sanities with hope, tenderness and compassion for our fellow folks.

We ought to live for the almighty wants us to learn the meaning of falling which indubitably common but is far outlandish than running out of life as at least we are breathing.

Breathing should not be the only goal to define the importance of living. Failures in life fulfil the true meaning of life that complete oneself. As it dwells the power to change. To change oneself entirely for relishing happiness and peace.