What should be the diet to recover weekness after covid - letsdiskuss
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Neha Bhasin

Dietitian | Posted on | food-cooking

What should be the diet to recover weekness after covid


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a sore subject for me ... with hypothyroidism and anemia after covid ... weakness has always been my companion before the illness, but after that it's generally hell. waking up in the morning is not possible and the quality of sleep has become worse. I read that it is so with everyone. and hair falls out. Is it the same for you?
I eat the same way, but my daughter (she is a fan of dietary supplements) offers me various vitamins. while only iron and biotin (I'm somehow scared to take a lot), now she is talking about some drops ... the lion's mane is called, I read that in case of a breakdown, they will help and completely natural


Student | Posted on

Take rest & start consuming liquid like, fruits juice,steem water etc,