What should we prefer, Vedic astrology or Western astrology? - letsdiskuss
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Chandan Naiya

Blogger | Posted on | Astrology

What should we prefer, Vedic astrology or Western astrology?


astrologer | Posted on

Everyone face trouble in various stage of life. By pronouncing vashikaran mantra enables origin of spirit and power to work.

Vedic astrology can make someone to pay attention and as a result we can control on him. So in order to get rid of severe troubles they go to fake astrologers or baba and become an easy victim.


Procedure of Vash Vashikaran Mantra
If you want to acquire love of specific person. Then make sure that he/she is not Manglik.
You have to chant this Vashikaran mantra 108 times in night or taking 21 times by chanting name of that person. So be that person doesn’t know about it thus it will gives you an effective results.

Western astrology, We assure you to give 100% satisfaction and maintain your privacy. You can ask questions or concerns and get immediate solution.


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

Be it Vedic or western astrology, what is preferable to us depends on our faith and belief. In Hinduism, the importance of astrology is foremost, and those who believe in astrology understand the importance of both Vedic and Western astrology. Let’s see how Vedic astrology differs from Western astrology.
Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is the amalgamation of 6 parts of the main Vedas of Hinduism –education, grammar, imagination, knowledge, prose, and verse. Vedic astrology can be taken as a scripture which defines the ancient science based on the movements of the moon.



Western Astrology
This can be taken as the development of life and knowledge in ancient times. Western astrology is inspired by the Egyptian civilization, and depends on the pace and movements of the Sun. Western astrology depends heavily on possibilities.

According to me, Vedic astrology is more reliable than Western astrology.