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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | science-technology

When will India get its 5G network? Do we even need it?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

According to a research, by 2035, 5G will enable $12.3 trillion of global economic output. In fact, China and USA are already spending billions of dollars to develop the adequate infrastructure for the 5th generation of network.


(Courtesy: Akuaroworld)

In short, 5G is happening. And it’s happening sooner than you think. So, there isn’t really a question of whether India needs it or not. If India doesn’t start investing in this area, on the global front, in the coming years, it will lag in nearly every industry given everything will be virtually be running on the internet.

The basic we hold that internet is just about fast data that will enable quick browsing, smooth video streaming, and a great gaming experience—it’s flawed. 5G has plenty more benefits than just your regular internet browsing.

One, it will basically change the entire landscape of virtual reality and Internet of Things (IoT). These will be much more efficient in their functioning, which will unlock doors to much better and advanced features.

Next, 5G will greatly benefit the financial sector. In sync with blockchain technology, not only will making transaction become extremely fast but equally safer and secure.

Also, with 5G, we might even explore new avenues of communication, which is quite a breather given even in the 4G infrastructure voice calling remains a pain.

In short, India essentially requires 5G network. And the sooner it happens, better will be it for its growth and development. Now the question comes—when will it happen? When will India get its 5G network?

Well, the good news is both the government and private sector is continuously working to ensure this happens very soon. The government of India is committed – or at least that’s what it says – that it will ensure the country is well-equipped and powered with the 5G network by 2020. Well, that’s less than a year and a half away. Do you really see that happening? Your call when many parts of the country haven’t even got its 4G network.

Now talking about the private sector, they have done some decent work. Courtesy of Airtel, India’s largest telecom company, few parts of Bengaluru and Kolkata is already getting the 5G network. Almost one year back, Airtel deployed Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO), which it claims to be India’s first 5G capable network.

Now, since Airtel is already in the scene, you can expect Reliance Jio – the major contender to become next India’s largest telecom company – to come racing in. And it has really. In June this year, Jio upgraded its 4G IP network and started a pre-5G internet.

Now here’s a thing though. Even when the telecom companies are striving to upgrade their spectrum and improve their overall infrastructure to welcome 5G, the smartphone companies, dues to financial reasons, aren’t really up to the task to produce 5G-enabled smartphones yet. And then, of course, the closer we go to bring 5G network to the people, more complex regulation and policy making will become.

So, to answer your question, don’t expect 5G network for the commercial use in India before 2020. So, keep settled with your regular internet browsing. Hey, 4G isn’t that bad, is it?!