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Blogger | Posted on
Well, as the technology grows the video games have been taken to the next level by adding more graphics and keeping virtual realities in action. Here let’s see the best handheld video game console. Handheld video game consoles are good to play games in your leisure times like in bed or in travelling, etc. Though you can play games in mobile phones, these gaming consoles are designed especially for gaming purpose. Whether you need to play an aggressive games or some smooth & relaxing games, you can go with video game console.
The Playstation Vita and the Nintendo Switch are the best video game consoles of this year 2018. The Playstation Vita will simply look like an iPod and its performance is very good and looks very handy as well. Nintendo also has the good performance which offers three modes of the play. It is solid build and also it is very easy to setup and use. When you plan to go for a long travel, you can use this gamin console. It is easy to carry and use on the go.
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@letsuser | Posted on
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The main conceivable rivalry, regarding versatile consoles, originates from the 3DS. Just like the case with most Nintendo reassures, generally, that question descends totally on how you feel about their first-party content. The 3DS will get you Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and Fire Emblem. There's likewise a more extensive assortment of recreations accessible, however it's not especially solid in any one class, and you'll for the most part need to manage physical media to play customary DS diversions.
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