Which is the best SEO friendly website in the world? - letsdiskuss
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Aleena Thomas

@letsuser | Posted on | others

Which is the best SEO friendly website in the world?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

I don’t think we have any such ranking of the best SEO friendly websites in the world. No research or study has happened on this.

So, it’s really difficult to answer your question; more so, given the fact that there are well over 1.9 billion websites in the world. (Check the total number of websites live)

But, let’s dig in deeper to this…

There are few common attributes of highly SEO-friendly websites. Here are five of them:
(i) Speed of the website: An SEO-optimized website loads very fast.

(ii) Number of quality backlinks: It has a good number of backlinks from other websites that have high domain authority and Page Rank.

(iii) Good contents: Search engines love websites with good, in-depth and updated contents.

(iiii) Mobile-friendliness: A website that performs well on mobile devices ranks higher on SERP.

(v) The technical stuff: There are many technical aspects to SEO—schema markup, AMP implementation, XML sitemap, crawl errors and more. A website must follow Google’s guidelines and suggestions strictly to ace the technical end.

As you can see, these 5 attributes are subjective and have many variables. For instance, how do you define “quality” in quality backlinks? Or, what kind of content do you call“good”?
So, in short, it’s fairly difficult to count out the best SEO friendly websites in the world—because they depend on an awful lot of factors. And there would likely be many of them.
Sure, you can use SEO analyzers. But even they will rank the same websites differently—because each of them factors different parameters to rate SEO-friendliness of the website. Some would care more about the meta tags, other would obsess the backlinks more; so, their points/grades would vary.
So, again, it’s difficult to answer your question.
However, that being said, you can assume that the websites that rank at #1 on SERP are likely SEO friendly because they are ranking at the very top. (But note that this assumption is flawed because rankings of websites fluctuate even with NO change on-page.)

Also, it’s safe to assume that the websites who teach about SEO or offer SEO services, they have a fairly SEO-optimized websites. So, websites like HubSpot, Neil Patel, Moz, Ahref, Search Engine Journal and more are good in the SEO-end.
Here’s an SEO Analyzer. Analyze websites and see how search-friendly they are.


Owner | Posted on

According to me, there are so many websites which give us a chance to make a free website, that websites usually are free and they do provide the best design some of them are Mobile Friendly and SEO Friendly.

In my point of view, we should use SEO Friendly websites only and the websites which are personally used by me are wix.com and jigsy.com


Digital Marketer | Posted on

Seo services are vital to any business, surely you have heard that before. But why does this matter so much? Try this for a thought experiment, when you tell someone to search for something, do you say “Why don’t you google it?”. The fact that the vast majority of us do underscores just how vital seo services are to any modern business.
It is the engine that drives all of your digital marketing, the way in which your customers find your website, products, services, and more. Ranking highly in search results, and having a website that is fully optimized are musts for any successful modern business. Some of the most friendly websites are Wix, Seo Worx , Web.com


@blogger | Posted on

SEO-friendly websites get more traffic than other websites because they implement SEO techniques like writing unique titles & descriptions for web pages, unique & optimized content, designing fast-loading web pages, using optimized images, etc. To get the most out of your website, make your website SEO-friendly to rank high in the search engine result pages. Improve your organic traffic and website visibility with WebRowdy. Book affordable SEO packages to design and deliver the best SEO-friendly website.


CEO | Posted on


You can created website in hours time, but to promote your site and business SEO is the primary duties.

Even if your site is User friendly, and looks marvelous, You need to do SEO duties to promote all those, by optimizing your on-page with primary keywords towards the searchers intent. Also you need to

concentrate continuously on off-page optimization, by getting quality back links for your website to rank in google.

You need to do free organic posting and Paid marketing {SEM} to bring your website in top ranking in google.


writer | Posted on

There are 5 tops seo friendly websites are as follows:

Seo Worx



IT EXECUTIVE | Posted on

All do-follow websites ,are SEO friendly sites, it comes with High DA, And High PR.
it will be really benificial.


Marketing Manager | Posted on

SEO the prime focus should be given on and adhering Google guidelines and try to engage with audiences by creating helpful blogs. We started our company in 2017 but with helpful of developers and other skilled employees we are able to cater to services across nations in USA, Canada, India, Malaysia and Sinagpore.

We get buisness for website development and with effective SEO and promotion of content in social media are able to garner good profits. For further information you can contact us on ITConnectUS