Which movie scenes-sequences deserve a standing ovation? - letsdiskuss
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Abdul Razzaq

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Which movie scenes-sequences deserve a standing ovation?


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There’s one movie whose all the scenes deserve a standing ovation, and that is The Dark Knight. This movie is the iconic combination of Christopher Nolan, the director and Heath Ledger who played the character of the Joker in the movie.




The Dark Knight is a DC Universe adaptation movie, and the scenes it has are so iconic that their too much is never enough. More than anything else, I like the scenes of Joker which are delivered is the most professional way.
The direction and the acting in these scenes is at its best, and you can witness some of the scenes yourself here:
The way Joker carries himself and the way he makes us admire and feel for the most grotesque and dangerous of villain is commendable.
I am a hardcore Marvel fan, but when it comes to the best scene, I would definitely give it to the Dark Knight.


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This movie starring Loenardi DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levit, Ellen Page Tom Hardy and Micheal Caine is directed by again Christopher Nolan. This whole movie will seem to you in whole another dimension where you could design your own dreams, enter in someone's dreams. Throughout the movie you need to concentrate real hard to understand what the heck is going on. But once you have caught up the pace, you wont even know where the time is running out. In this movie a scene, skilfully directed, is shown in where Cobb is upto the fifth level of Fischer's dream. The sequence of his team getting a very little time to return back to the present from the dreams is mind-blowing. Your mouth will drop open when the scene starts. This is also one of my favourite scene and I do think this scene needs a standing ovation.