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John Colson

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why do scientists say that God is an alien?


Software engineer at HCL technologies | Posted on

The theory of refuting God as not what he is portrayed as in our religious books, myths, and legends. For that, we can go back to Victorian Era where Charles Darwin’s theory of Evolution left everyone scandalized as he directly questioned the involvement of God in the creation of life on Earth, as we are told in the Book of Genesis. NASA too rejects the miraculous appearance of creatures on Earth in favor of Darwin’s theory.

The noble prize winner scientist, Francis Crick, however, refutes Darwin’s and NASA’s theories of evolution too. He also believes in an “extraterrestrial” being who created the life on Earth. He argues that “since even the simplest life form is impossibly complex, that perhaps highly technologically advanced god-like aliens purposefully seeded this planet with life”.
But Crick, unlike theists, does not call the one who created life on Earth “God”. According to him, they are some aliens, and he calls them god-like because that’s how our conception of God is –the supreme creator, who granted us and all the creatures life. Crick is not sure of why exactly the aliens did it. According to the speculations, it could have been for entertainment, or for some higher motive –“as an educational toy, an Earth-sized "ant farm" for their god-like alien children, with humans and other Earthly life, serving as the ants”, guesses
If we look at the biblical and pre-biblical concepts of God, the ancient Greeks and Romans had always believed themselves to be the servants of God, and in Genesis Book 2, it is said that God created man to sustain life on Earth by growing crops, taking care of trees, fruits, animals, etc.
After all, the image of God in which we worship him today is nothing but the face of our imagination. So who knows if it’s some alien which we worship as God? This indeed remains a mystery.


student | Posted on

No. Only God is God. If earth and its life forms were created by an alien scientist who's been tending us ever since like a complex ant farm, we'd have to ask who created the alien scientist (and all of his fellow aliens, of course).

Unfortunately, it would mean the interposition of a blasphemous layer of power between us and God, which would really *****. Eventually, we'd have to rise up, kill it, and take its place, probably with huge loss of life. We have a pretty good track record for that sort of thing, so we could probably pull it off. But we'd be no closer to God than we are now, except in the sense that we'd have removed this obstacle.


Blogger , seo | Posted on

The right answer would be yes. Outsider to the extent how it's utilized today - God would fit under that definition since he isn't of this Earth, his kingdom is a place man calls paradise, in the distance in the unending universe.

Researchers most unquestionably under man's definition. Sacred text expresses all things were made by him, both seen and concealed. That nothing is made of what we think it is. How all he made cooperates and keeps on doing as such, everything in its appropriate place working in the manner in which it was planned, until the point that he closes it.

What's more, he is quite a lot more.