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Assistant professor ( Finance & Marketing) & Admission Councellor | Posted on
It was always believed that lies has no legs and truth comes out in any circumstances but these days its opposite. All thanks to our social media which plays an important role in this recent development. We love to hear the current news and the species which are being added by the media channels.
Nowadays it’s not only the news channels which is spreading news but the add on are the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
“A study of 126,000 rumorsand false news stories spread on Twitter over a period of 11 years found that they traveledfaster and reached more people than the truth”.
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology additionally found that pretend news was additional usually re-tweeted by humans than bots. They also said it could be because fake news tends to be "more novel”, rather than the truth. People tend to believe more on the novel which is molded and presented with number of lies contained in it.
It was the political news matter which was highlighted the most. Other popular topics that fall in this category are urban legends, business, terrorism, science, entertainment and natural disasters.
Source:-(Twitter provided its data for the research)
Fake news storms the scope of gossip which is more likely done by the people. They need some kind of entertainment which is hardly done by the news which contains proper truth. According to the study “People respond to false news more with surprise and disgust,” whereas true stories produced replies more generally characterized by sadness, anticipation, and trust.
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