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abhishek rajput

Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on | others

Why is the Indian National Congress so anti-national now?


Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on

Truly. Each idea, move and activity of Congress party today is against public. They are so fixated on force and their eagerness for power at any expense is prompting this.
For them the family starts things out, trailed by force, party and our nation and its kin comes rearward in their plan. They will feel free to partition individuals, network and even our nation for power. That is the thing that they have been doing since 1947 and the new models are Telengana state bifurication and Siddu's questionable Lingayat bill presented in Karnataka get together during his last days.
Prior this gathering is cleared out from Indian governmental issues, it is useful for the our nation. Obviously that ludicrous joker Pappu is working all day towards this target.
At the point when you gave charge of involved with an individual of unfamiliar birthplaces alongside questionable past of being dynamic in radical governmental issues. An individual, thinks nothing about overall population, culture, area, and so forth of India, can't represent government assistance of the state. During the rule of the Congress under the chairmanship of Antonio Maino(Sonia Gandhi, Gandhi a beguiling family name to abuse the tradition of Bapu) radical, socialists and Islamists were running their purposeful publicity and plan unbridled. All the things being done under the Congress rule whether, no acquisition of weapons and warrior streams despite the fact that India is encircled on the two sides by atomic enemies, not ready to carry changes to establish climate for FDI and assembling in India, showers of debasement by its chiefs, being associated with exercises that can prompt common battle on the name of governmental issues, and a lot more enemies of India exercises. Subsequent to getting uncovered of its questionable plan on account of the BJP and a very much oversaw pioneer PM Modi, individuals currently began understanding the valid and enemies of India face of the Congress under Antonio Maino.
