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Sreemoyee Gupta

online journalist | Posted | Health-beauty

How to look stylish in winter shadi


online journalist | Posted

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The preparations for festivals start weeks before. Be it shopping, making delicious sweets or getting your beauty treatments done, everything is well-planned in advance. It is during these festivals that we host as well as attend get-together gatherings. A tired looking hostess would certainly look neither welcoming nor pleasing, making festive season beauty prep more important than ever!

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online journalist | Posted

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You more likely than not knew about At Home Salon turning into the advantageous alternative to hurrying to salons amid merriments. Putting our best self forward for the festivals ought to be at the highest point of our plan for the day. Nonetheless, the vast majority of us scarcely motivate time to investigate the mirror amid these boisterous days. In such a case, it is highly unlikely we can d

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online journalist | Posted

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“Shadi” or a marriage ceremony during winter is always special. There is an element of calmness in the air and you do not have to live with the sticky and sweaty patches which can ruin your entire makeup. However, it is very important to make sure that you have put proper dress and makeup in order to look stylish at a shadi in winter. Your makeup needs to be proportionate with your skin complex

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