Do you think the word “Dalit” is illusionary and offensive? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | others

Do you think the word “Dalit” is illusionary and offensive?


Thinker | Posted on

“Dalit”, the term which means “broken” in Sanskrit, was popularized by none other than the first and foremost mouthpiece of the oppressed castes in India, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. The term when adopted, used to separate these castes from the Hindu varna system which calls them “shudra”. Along with opposing the Hindu Varna system, and the term “Shudra”, it also used to oppose the term given to the castes, particularly to untouchables, “Harijan”.

The term was used by many revolutionaries who spoke for the rights of so-called Dalits. An association fighting for these rights was even known as Dalit Panthers. But constitutionally, this term has never been used for the recognition and the acknowledgement of the lower castes.

According to the contemporary activists, the term is as derogatory as the words “Shudra” and “Harijans” because it gives these people imprisonment in a certain way, disguised under the blanket of some reservations and few rights. These reservations and rights have failed to make these castes acceptable to the society so far, and hence many take this term as illusionary and offensive.

According to me, call them whatever, it makes no difference, as the essential change in nowhere to be seen. They remain hated, unacceptable, and still occupying only the peripheries of the social structure.


BBA in mass communication | Posted on

In India, you are punished by calling any person by his or her caste. So the caste name, or the word "untouchable", even "harijan" is derogatory and offensive, but not the word Dalit.

It was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who popularized the term, and let me tell you, his views were entirely different from that of Mahatma Gandhi -who coined the term "harijan"- on the untouchables and people belonging to lower castes.


"Reserved" is also a word which is offensive, I however, don't see anything wrong with the term "dalit".

I don't understand the basis of calling the term offensive and illusionary. It was adopted by our forefathers politically, to oppose the exploitation that the people of lower castes experience in India.

The term 'Dalit', has its own hostorical importance as it helped people of so-called lower castes get a new status in society. Calling it illusionary is not right according to me.