Does god exist? Yes or no - letsdiskuss
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Umesh Kadam

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Does god exist? Yes or no


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It all depends on your belief.If you are a believer in God you tend to connect each and every thing that happens in your life to be Gods will.The need for God comes when you are down or in distress.People reach out to the almighty when things go wrong in life or when they are helpless in a situation.The supernatural power is the only strength at such times.No one else can help you at that juncture. Finally the fatalistic thinking mind realize that nothing is in our hands.


Student | Posted on

Yes, I believe on God. Everything Which exist in this world is created by God. We have so many things which are very valuable and unique, Means A human cant create those things like eyes, blood in veins, little creatures, Beautiful nature And much more. We don't need more proof that God does exist in this world. We should always be thankful to God For all What we have today to enjoy this life..