From Alexa & Siri which one have best voice assistant? - letsdiskuss
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Sam Clark

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From Alexa & Siri which one have best voice assistant?


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According to me,Google Assistant is still at the top, but now with a score of 92.9% for answering questions correctly. Siri correctly answers 83.1% of questions, while Alexa gets 79.8% correct. Siri continues to prove more useful with phone-related functions like calling, texting, emailing, calendar, and music.

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Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

The only question you can get 100% correct and sure answer while talking to your virtual assistant is "what is the weather today?" Whether it is Siri or Alexa or Cortana or even Google assistant, the experience with these voice assistants or as it was expected. They will give you answers to a limited and fed questions only. You can't expect them to be like a scene in a science fiction movie. As our relationship with human beings is not enough, now we have to cope up with our virtual assistants also.

One research was conducted on all these voice assistants. According to Alpine.AI , voice assistants are very poor retention rate. That is people are feeling shy to use it in public or even in private. While talking about the best voice assistant, Google assistant is better than all the others and Siri is the worst voice assistant of all.

Digital marketing agency stone temple conducted a test on these voice assistants by asking 5000 same questions . According to them Google assistant came top edging out Amazon's Alexa , Microsoft's cortana and Apple's Siri. Google assistant worked smarter on a smart phone than on Google home smart speaker, which is weird. Google assistant answered nearly 75% of the questions, cortana gane reply to two third questions and Alexa answered just above 50 %.Apple's Siri could manage only 40% questions.

But these voice assistants are getting better each day. From previous year to this year they have become smarter and smarter. One day we all will have companion cum voice assistant who will entertain us round the clock.
