How a small economy has gone into depression after RTO shift ? - letsdiskuss
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Zyan Malik

Blogger | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

How a small economy has gone into depression after RTO shift ?


Project Manager at The Economic Times | Posted on

Let me give readers a quick background on this.

The RTO or Regional Transport Office of Sheik Sarai has been shifted to a new location at Sarai Kale Khan earlier this month. The old building was catering to a large region in South Delhi with nearly 1500 footfall on daily basis.

Why the Building was relocated?

The old Sheik Sarai building was spread across three storey building and had very limited space. The new building is located nest to automated driving test track at Sarai Kale Khan. The entire new authority office is spread on single floor and is fully air conditioned. New office has employed token-based system and incorporated well sitting arrangement. This will bring much needed relief for people from ques and disappointment.


How a small economy has gone into depression?

To many small shops/kiosks owners these 1200-1500 people were only source of income. They had installed their makeshift shops, and some had bought DDA shops to earn their livelihoods. Ever since, the authority has shifted to a new location they are worried about their future income. Among others, who contribute to smaller economy includes shops offering photocopying, lamination, typing and colour copy services, advocates, notaries, insurance agents, even doctors who provided medical certificates have got a big hit due to RTO shift.