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The ways to drive traffic to website vary depending on your niche and target audience. For instance, if you’re selling large tractors, SEO is a go-to because it’s easier to rank high on Google in your niche. But if you’re selling t-shirts, social media marketing is your best arsenal because competition if your niche is very high.
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I would say VIDEO MARKETINGIDEO MARKETING is your answer. Why? Because everyone will be looking for videos in 2018.
The Six Point Checklist for Video Marketing Domination
Why becoming your OWN Media Company will keep your business alive in 2018
Video is all about communicating an idea to the crowds. Crowds of people looking for something special, something that makes the click in a special way. Video content is fast, it provides an instant reaction from your audience, it communicates on multiple levels.
The massive growth of video marketing during the past 10 years is truly incredible — let’s see some statistics that will ***** your mind!
YouTube has 1 billion registered users — that’s more than a third of the total internet users worldwide (1)
more than 72 hours of video content is uploaded on YouTube every 60 seconds (1)
85 percent of Americans watch video online (2)
82 percent of Twitter users watch video on the platform (3)
87 percent of digital marketers use video content (4)
90 percent of video traffic on Twitter comes from mobile devices (3)
92 percent of video users share their videos with others (5)
more than 350,000 hours of broadcasts are streamed daily on Periscope (6)
Snapchat users watch 10 billion videos every day (7)
50 percent of potential customers look for a video related to a product before making a purchase (14)
shoppers who view video demos or reviews are 1.81x more likely to make a purchase (15)
4 times as many customers would rather watch a video on a product than read about it (16)
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