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Sam Clark

Blogger | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

How JP Morgan-s Dimon plans to court tech IPOs and break up the Goldman-Morgan Stanley duopoly


Project Manager at The Economic Times | Posted on

I have very limited knowledge on the subject but I can write a small piece as this interests me

If you are asking this question, you must be aware that Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs have been leaders in IPO world in the 'Technology' domain. They (either of two) have somehow managed to win the top slots on nearly all offerings over a period of decade including likes of Facebook, Twitter etc.

While despite working very hard, JP Morgan could reach to number 3 position or so. This created a lot of stress. Despite being one of the biggest banks in the United States of India, this was a matter of great concern.

In a bid to take advantage of 2019, which is likely to see a series of IPOs from tech giants like Airbnb, Uber, Lyft and Pinterest, JP Morgan has a mandate from on high to break up the Morgan Stanley-Goldman duopoly.

The bank has started looking for nabbing its share of deals from the Tech world.


Strategies that J.P. Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon's has adopted to break the duopoly
- Winning the lead spot on more Tech IPOs
- Make significant business from Silicon Valley
- The bank is aggressively pitching venture capitalists across the Bay Area
- The bank has outlined its plan on the communication: - IPOs perform better when J.P. Morgan is at least the co-lead
- Further the bank is building relationships with start-ups
- Reduce Goldman and Morgan Stanley's dependency for tech companies