How to involve kids in learning foreign languages? - letsdiskuss
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How to involve kids in learning foreign languages?


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If you want your children to learn more than one language, there are few ways to start. Learning foreign languages will have countless benefits and improve the cognitive ability of kids.

Start at an early age

Every new-born is born with the capability to replicate the sounds of any language. So, if you want your child to learn a second language you should try to introduce it in the initial phase of life.

Search for a good class

Make sure your child learns new languages from a professional learning center. Some of the institutes offer “Mom and Me” classes for kids; you even have an opportunity to learn a language with your kids.

Make learning enjoyable

Children should be engaged in learning new languages using creativity, songs, games, projectors, visualisation, crafts, movies, and other kid-friendly activities to teach the language.


Put together a set of attractive pictures with valuable lessons for practicing the foreign language. You can use pictures of any language, and encourage children to identify alphabet with names of animals, birds, objects using different languages.

Make it a group activity

The more you and your family use preferred second language, the quicker and speedily your child will pick it up. Encourage and motivate other family members in learning foreign language.
