How to know If I am falling in love? - letsdiskuss
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Khushboo Gupta

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How to know If I am falling in love?


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Love is something that does not have a specific definition. Although everyone defines it in their respective ways. Some people say that love is an awesome feeling while for others love is also a reason for pain. Yes, pain. It may sound surprising but true. Because sometimes heart breaks because of true love. So there can never be any proper or universal definition of love.
But there are surely some signs that can make you feel that you are in love. For example, question your self “Am I missing someone”? If the answer comes in ‘Yes’. Then there should remain no confusion regarding your love for that special person.
So let us discuss some more points that can knock you regarding your feeling of love for someone. These are a glimpse, there can be many:
1.When you have met a person and gradually you feel attached to that person. This attachment grows over time. It means you are in love.
2.You feel worried about that person in the absence of him/her. This is also a clear sign of love towards that person.
3.You start feeling bad when the time comes that a loved one says bye to you. Now you just can not spend time without that special person. So what can we call it other than love?
4.You feel or others notice a behavior change. For example, you lack hunger or there remains no sign of sleeplessness. It means there is nothing or nobody on your priority list other than that special person.
5.You just enjoy making love notes for him/her at this time and doing nothing else. Well, those who feel shy, find it the best way to say ‘I Love You’.


We often hear about the phrase ‘love at first sight'. Yes, love can be in both ways: gradually or at first sight. Love, at first sight, gives you a feeling that both of you are made for each other or suddenly feel a great connection. So nothing wrong with that.
There is nothing wrong with lovemaking if both males and females are sure about their true love. Because expressing love physically or love-making automatically triggers in you if both of you have reached the ultimate stage of love. But some people fail to understand it. While some say it a natural happening. Well, this is again a debatable topic.
Well, there is many software named love calculator available online. But I feel love is a beautiful feeling and impossible to calculate exactly.
It may happen that you failed to make the right first choice the first time. But if life gives you a chance to find new love, go for it. Listen to your heart and never ignore a new love in such situations.

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