How to make potato chips at home? - letsdiskuss
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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How to make potato chips at home?


Blogger | Posted on

Strip wash potatoes and meagerly cut them with blade or utility devices accessible in showcase.

Warmth some water in enormous skillet and add salt to it.

Put cut potatoes in water and wash them pleasantly. (this will forestall them getting dark and evacuate additional starch)

At that point single spread them on a sheet and sundry. Continue turning their sides.

Store them in a dry box and fry as required.

You can sprinkle salt-pepper/talk masala over them.


Home maker | Posted on

Potato chips are quite easy to make and can be served on any occasion with chutney, sauce, or cold drink.

To prepare potato chips at home, you will need to have the following ingredients:
• Potato: 3-4
• Edible: 2 tablespoons
• Salt: According to taste
• Red chili powder: According to taste
Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Epicurious)
Here’s how it is made:
• Cut the potatoes in very thin slices.
• Boil water at a low flame in a pan.
• When the water is boiled, add the potato slices in it.
• When the potato slices are cooked, turn the gas off.
• Drain the remaining water and take care the slices don’t break.
• Now spread a cotton cloth in bright sunlight and spread all the slices of potatoes on it.
• Keep the slices in strong sunlight for 3-4 days.
• Now fry the chips in edible oil and sprinkle salt and red chili on them.

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