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sushil seo

digital marketing | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

how to safe bad link on google


digital marketing | Posted on

If link is negative, Google itself will put it down in sometime.

But If you are talking about a link where someone has posted negative about your brand or service (Negative Branding/Reverse Branding), then link is not at all negative and Google will give it a good weightage as it is considered as a customer review and if someone is writing negative then here is something serious. This is what Google thinks. But manytimes Google’s Software review it carefully and decide what to do with it automatically.

Here you can use ORM to correct it. This will save the value of your brand. But a very few experts (like me) know how to do it effectively and this is why we do charge doing it.


Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on

This can be done via Google Webmaster also known as Google Search Console.

With the help of Google Search Console (Diaavow Tool) you can remove the Dead links from Google Search. This would help.