Marketing Manager | Posted on | Science-Technology
best web hosting and server management | Posted on
There are two most popular web host control panels are cPanel and Plesk
1) Overview
Cpanel is a web-based control panel for Linux. it’s the most used and trusted control panel since it was introduced in 1996 .the latest version of cPanel is cPanel 66
Plesk is relatively newer having being introduced in 2001.
2) UX/UI
both have a feature-packed Ul which is aesthetically pleasing however, cPqanel seems to be a bit cluttered compared to Plesk, which has a cleaner UI.
Plesk has a window looking UI which adds to it friendliness.
3) Distros
cPanel supports only Linux distributions, whereas Plesk supports both Linux and window server.
4) performance
cPanel has a slight edge over Plesk terms of performance
CPanel has faster page load times and takes less time for account creation or management
5) security
both offer good security
CPanel comes with autoSSl, chalk, built-in CSF/LSD. Plesk offers fail2ban. Plesk firewall and emails anti-spam out of the box.
6) Admin panel
CPanel provides two separate logins (for Cpanel and WHM)
where Plesk has a single login for both end-user and server admins
factors to consider before choosing Cpanel or Plesk, picking one is purely a matter of preference on what you're looking for:- user interface, feature sets and compatibility, distro, migration.
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SEO Analyst | Posted on
When you have to choose between several web hosting control panels i.e. Plesk and cPanel are the main competitors as they both dominate the market for users who are looking for server and account management tools.
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