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Abdul Malik

News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on | Sports

Pole dance to be included in the Olympics?


@letsuser | Posted on

It often happens that pole dance is looked down upon and thought that people from the supposed “good families” do not engage in it. But seriously, this is 2018 and not the 1960s! In fact, you’d actually be surprised to know that pole dance is not as easy as it seems to be from the outside. Hours of practice, correct body weight, great muscle strength and apt postures are needed to master this form of art. Beyond doubt, it is also a great means of exercise.

It comes almost as no surprise that pole dance is to be included in the global event of Olympics. More than 200 countries participate in this meet that is held every four years. It also has the summer and winter instalments. The big step towards change and breaking stereotypes was taken by International Sports Federation. It recognized pole dancing as a harmonious combination of dance and acrobatics.

Hopefully, this will also change how people perceive pole dancing. It is also expected that this will break taboos and encourage more and more youngsters to engage in the sport, not at a ***** club but at the international Olympics.


Also Read- What is solo dance?