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Shubham Sharma

enterpreneur and mechanical engineer | Posted on | Education

What are some tips for first year BTech CSE students?


WordPress Developer | Posted on


Dear first year students, i know you have many expectations from your college, your teachers, your course and mostly with the job. But let me explain what are the factors that may decide your performance in each of these upstated areas.

These are some tips you could try from day 1 itself to help you with everything in your Bachelor degree:

1. Go for the practical knowledge, as theory will never help you outside your college.

2. Spend your time wisely, as most of the B.Tech students spend their time in wrong things. Be aware.

3. As you said you are from CSE, start learning things that are currently dominating the market. Indian B.Tech syllabus has not been updated from the stone age. So start learning outside your classes.

4. Take part in various online programming sites and challenges.

5. Don't worry about placements in First year itself.

6. Stick to the basics of every subject, remember them for life as these baaics will help you in the industry.

And most importantly, find yourself a good mentor in the form of teacher, senior or any other staff member, as it will give you a sense of comfort in asking your doubts about everything.