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What are the best breeds for cattle farming?


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What are the Best Cows for Dairy Farming in India?

There's no single response to above inquiry. We ought to depend on bovines reproduced in our own ranch to raise Best cows for Dairy Farming.

Current dairy ranchers for clear reasons have demonstrated tendency towards cross-breeds which are more beneficial simultaneously additionally inclined for illnesses.

By and by, the Indian Farmers are utilizing Holestein Cow or Holstein Friesian (HF) dairy animals and Jersey Cow crossbred with Desi Indigenous Cows.

Be that as it may, numerous dairy ranchers have figured out how to increase high creation even from Noteworthy Desi Cows or Indigenous bovines. Uncommonly, Gir cows in Gujarat and Sahiwal in Punjab, Haryana have demonstrated to create enormous amounts of milk.

In this article we will see Best Cross-reared cows for Dairy Farming including the data that of HF cow and Jersey bovine gave toward the finish of the article.

Also read - Why go for Hydroponics Farming


Agro Tech Industry | Posted on

Cattle farming is the rearing of cattle basically for meat and milk purpose. Cattles have several breeds with different features on them.
Not every cattle are equally beneficial for rearing. So, while rearing cattle to make sure that you have the cattle with the best breed for maximum benefit.

Cattles are essential for economic and socio-cultural values and for food purpose as well.
Here are some of the best breed of cattle you might want to know:
1. Black Angus
2. Herefordshire
3. Piedmontese
4. Brahman
5. Beef Master

Visit for more information about cattle farming and cattle supplements.