what are the chemicals which makes your body paralyses temporarily - letsdiskuss
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what are the chemicals which makes your body paralyses temporarily


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In medical world, anesthesia is a magical specialty, it provides drugs or chemicals which can paralyse your body in a very controlled manner for different kind of operations. Thia temporary paralysis can be reversed by anesthesiologist at the end surgery.
Now, what are these chemicals?
These chemicals are called muscle relaxants.
MUSCLE RELAXANTS or NEUROMUSCULAR blocking agents are often used during surgery in an uncinscious unconscious patient. These chemicals can be used for varying time durations. Some are short acting and some are long acting. For example shortest acting is succinylcholine, which works for only 2-3 minutes duration. In long acting category we can have example of vecuronium, which can work for upto 1 hour.