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Pavitra Kumar

Sr. SEO Specialist | Posted on | Science-Technology

What are the different types of affiliate marketing?


Blogger | Posted on

The most popular type of affiliate marketing is by review blogging. That is the the affiliate marketers will originally have the website with good amount of traffic from Google SERP. They do the reviews about the products and will give the affiliate link in the website, if any of the users buy from that link, then these affiliates will get paid with the commission amount. This is the most common type of affiliate marketing which is done by most of the bloggers.


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Next common type of affiliate marketing is the E-Mail marketing. In this type, the affiliates will jointly work with the E-Mail vendors and will mail the potential buyers with some offers and the links to buy the products. This also works in the same way with the commission pay out method. Even many bloggers partner with the business people and will display the banner ads in their website. If any sales happens from that banner links or if the traffic is more from that banner ads, then they will get some pay. Well if you are planning to get into the affiliate marketing, then you can get started with the review blog affiliate program which is the best way of all the above mentioned ways.

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